Vision & Mission — Healthy CUNY

Our Vision & Mission


Our Vision

Healthy CUNY envisions a university where all students become healthier and better prepared to contribute to the health of their family, community, and society. With an ability to reach more than 500,000 students, faculty and staff, CUNY has the potential to transform the lives of millions of New Yorkers.

Our Mission

By reducing health-related barriers to educational achievement, Healthy CUNY works with partners inside and outside of CUNY to promote well-being, enhance existing policies, programs and services, and a culture of health in order to foster the academic and life success of our students.

Core Values

CUNY promotes educational—and health—equity in New York City. Universities have an opportunity and obligation to promote the well-being and life success of their students. By reducing health barriers to academic success, universities realize their core mission. Universities can meet students’ health and social needs on campus and by working with community service providers to engage them in ongoing care. Preparing students in promoting the health of peers, families and communities deepens their education and contributes to the well-being of our communities and our city.