Mental Health

Mental Health problems can be a Barrier to Academic Success

Healthy CUNY aims to decrease rates of untreated mental health problems among CUNY students, thereby improving student quality of life and retention and success. We have partnered with NYC DOHMH and others to create a multi-level response to mental health. Our student advocates work in partnership with the mental health counseling staff and receive training to develop evidence-based messages that promote mental health awareness and reduce stigma for seeking treatment.

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โ€œPoor mental health carries such a stigma that people are even afraid to go somewhere and find out that their condition is going to be classified as mental illness.โ€

-Student focus group participant

Student Designed Outreach Materials

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Copy of 12 posters 11 x 14-page-008.jpg

These posters were designed by CCNY Advertising and Public Relations students and Healthy CUNY Mental Health Ambassadors to help reduce stigma and increase awareness of mental health resources for CUNY students.


CUNY campus counseling centers seek to support the academic mission of the university and the academic success of students by providing high quality counseling and mental health services to students and consultative services to faculty and staff. They also refer students to appropriate community services. Counselors assist students in addressing psychological and adjustment issues (i.e., depression, anxiety, and relationships) and problems or issues including stress/time management that can negatively influence academic performance, student retention, graduation rates, and quality of life. The Centers work collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff to create and maintain a campus environment that encourages and supports psychological well-being. Healthy CUNY supports CUNYโ€™s efforts to hire more professional staff for mental health counseling centers in order to better meet student needs.

Find the location and telephone number of the counseling center on your campus here.